Pixellu SmartAlbums v2020.5.0 (x64) | 174 MB
SmartAlbums is a simple and powerful album builder for photographers. Design
Select your images, drag and drop, and immediately see a design.
Look like a pro right from the start
Every layout in SmartAlbums is handcrafted by a graphic artist, putting thousands of professionally-designed templates at your fingertipsFull creative freedom
SmartAlbums has all the tools you need to customize your album with ease
– Add text and backgrounds
– Create and save your own templates
– B&W conversion and tone adjustments
– Change album size at any timeSeamlessly integrate with your workflow
Export your design in fully layered PSD & IDML formats for advanced customization. Adobe software star ratings and color labels are imported along with your images, keeping you organized.Smart features to save you time
SmartAlbums uses powerful time-saving technologies to make album design simple and fun
– Maintains gap consistency throughout the album
– Face detection automatically repositions images to avoid cropping faces
– Analyzes your album and provides helpful warnings of potential issues
– Imports a variety of file formats including JPG, TIFF, PNG, and PSD