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Jun 30 2018

Vue Xstream Pro 2016 R5 Build 502024 (x64)

Vue Xstream Pro 2016 R5 Build 502024 (x64)

Vue Xstream Pro 2016 R5 Build 502024 (x64) | 915 MB

E-on software, a leading global developer of software for the creation, animation, rendering, and integration of natural 3D environments in the computer graphics, VFX, architecture, and gaming industries, announced the immediate availability of Release 5 (R5) of its VUE 2016 software. which allows you to render your scenes in Stereo for Stills and Animations. Stereoscopic rendering is available for both panoramic (360° and 180°) and non-panoramic renders. Stereo renders are compatible with most of VUE’s Render Options, such as multi-pass or High Dynamic Range (HDR) for instance.

Interpupillary Distance is user defined (default: 6.4 cm) as well as final image layout (top/bottom or left/right). For maximum customization, VUE xStream 2016 offers 3 convergence modes for handling paralax: Parallel, Converged and Off-axis.

Stereo images and videos are automatically recognized by Stereo-compliant platforms (such as Youtube for instance) and can be played on stereo compliant devices such as Occulus Rift, HTC Vive, Nvidia 3DVision, Sony PSVR, Google DayDream, Google Carboard etc.

What’s New:

Export and interoperability improvements
– Level of detail (LoD) export for objects or group of objects
▪ User defined number of LoDs to be exported
▪ Capability to export only one texture per LoD
▪ Export objects as billboards
– Export options UI redesigned and simplified
– Export preview now supports PTex
– New PTex graph node available in the function graph
– optional wind animation export when exporting PlantFactory vegetation as static meshes
– Up to 20x faster metaball/metablob baking to polygons process
– New Python callbacks for populating EcoSystem materials or asynchronous animation and still rendering
– VUE xStream now supports Autodesk 3ds Max 2019

UI/UX and navigation improvements
– Homogenized navigation manipulation throughout the whole UI.
– Reworked shortcut presets to mimic other 3D applications (such as Autodesk Maya, 3ds Max, Maxon Cinema4D)
– Added new useroconfigurable shortcuts and triggers for better UI/UX customizability
– Added mesh normal map quick color inversion (for both front and back faces)
– Added user defined aspect ratio for Panoramic (VR360 and VR180 o Stereoscopic or not) renders (e.g. for PlayStation VR support)

Environment mapping improvements
– New environment mapping modes: LightProbe, Cylindrical, Cube Map and Compact Cube Map completes the already existing Spherical and Hemispherical modes.
– New Dome Rotation Environment Mapping manipulation settings (replaces former Map offset)
– Environment mapping UI redesigned





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