TMG solvers for NX 1847/1872/1899/1926 Series x64 (07.2020) | 741 MB
It only update module TMG Thermal / Flow Simulation (NXCAE_EXTRAS) for NX 1847/1872/1899/1926 Series Win64. For installation must have a preset NX-1847/1872/1899/1926 Series Win64 module TMG Thermal / Flow Simulation (NXCAE_EXTRAS) and crowbar of SSQ
For more information, see. Readme_SSQ.txt
picGod / Release Date: 07/08/2020
Developer: Siemens PLM Software
Developer website: http://www.plm.automation.siemens.com/
Bit depth: 64bit
Language: English
Medicine: Disinfected (TeAM SolidSQUAD-SSQ)
System Requirements: Pre NX-1847/1872/1899 Series Win64 module TMG Thermal / Flow Simulation (NXCAE_EXTRAS) and crowbar of SSQ
Descrion: TMG Thermal / Flow Simulation – NX module for advanced calculations of heat transfer and fluid flow and gas flow. Main naznaenie obnovleniya- fix bugs identified in previous versions of the module
distribution of composition:
tmg v2019.1.17 for NX-1847 Series (1847-1867.x) Win64 (2020-07-08)
tmg v2019.2.13 for NX-1872 Series (1872-1892.x) Win64 (2020-07-08)
tmg v2020.1.9 for NX-1899 Series (1899-1919.x) Win64 (2020-07-08)
tmg v2020.2.3 for NX-1926 Series (1926-1946.x) Win64 (2020-07-08)