PTC Creo 4.0 M130 with HelpCenter | 6.0 Gb
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PTC is pleased to announce the availability new version of Creo 4.0 M130 computer-aided design (CAD) software, is enables smarter design and greater productivity with a vast array of core modeling enhancements and new functionality that allow designers to create the products of the future.
4.0 M130 – Release notesCreo Flow Analysis Wizard
Creo Flow Analysis provides a wizard workflow to guide step-by-step through setting up an analysis. The wizard greatly simplifies navigation by laying out all relevant properties and parameters in a single window.
Updated ANSYS Solver for Creo Simulation Live
The solver for Creo Simulation Live has been updated to the latest ANSYS Solver (2020R1). This solver is more efficient in allocating video memory and provides more GPU power in solving Creo Simulation Live studies. This results in more accurate results with less resources. This new solver handles thin walled geometry with much higher resolution than previous releases. In addition to the new solver, the following capabilities are also added:
– Inspect Deviation option – This option provides a diagnostic display to help you evaluate the difference between the true geometry and the geometry used by the solver.
– Minimum element size is displayed, when you hover over the Simulation Quality dragger. This helps to understand the smallest size value for an element edge in the model.
Configuration Option to Control the Default Tolerance Table Setting for Dimensions in Detailed Drawings and Model-Based Definition
Use the new configuration option default_iso_tol_table_type to specify the default value for the tolerance table setting for the dimension tolerance. This configuration option saves the unnecessary clicks when defining dimension tolerances. The valid values for this option are:
– general – This is the default.
– broken_edge
– none
Configuration Option to Control the Display State of Layers in Drawings
The configuration option def_shown_layers_in_view is added to control the display state of layers when switching Layer Tree display from detailed drawing to individual view mode. You can set the value of this option to one of the following to get the desired behavior and save time on setting layer visibility:
– all-All the layers are displayed. This is the default.
– drawing-The layer’s state is copied from the drawing.
– none-All the layers are hidden.
New Values for Drawing Detail Option gtol_datums for Detailed Drawings
The two new values for the drawing detail option gtol_datums control the display of leader attachment for stacked gtols according to the selected detailing standards. The new values for the drawing detail option gtol_datums are: std_iso_1101_2017 and std_asme_y14.5_2018.
Shortcut to Apply Box Formatting to Text in Notes
You can easily define box formatting for a text in a note using a keyboard shortcut. Select the desired note text in the graphics window and press Ctrl+ (opening square bracket) to add a box around the selected text. To remove the box, press Ctrl+ again.PTC Creo 4.0 was launched 15 November 2016., the top highlights in PTC Creo Parametric 4.0 are from improvements in Mini toolbar, new 3D Sweep, new Flexible Modeling in Sheetmetal.
When you’re familiar with function sets in certain CAD packages, it can come as a surprise to learn what other ones do – or don’t do. Creo 4.0, for instance, adds some basic functions other CAD packages have had for years, even decades. For example, box selection is new, where dragging the cursor diagonally left-to-right selects enclosed objects, and right-to-left selects crossing and enclosed objects. AutoCAD and its clones have had this for ages. Other examples of not-so-new functions new to Creo include a mini toolbar that appears when objects are selected, customization of shortcut keys and full-screen editing mode.
With each Creo release, direct editing becomes stronger. In release 4.0, a new clipping mode lets us see the part we are editing within the assembly. To help draw parts, we can now snap to other parts for reference. Opposite faces of parts can be dragged at the same time, and we can make negative offsets. In the View Manager, the Appearances tab lets us changes the colors of parts
Also with this release, PTC have added many new capabilities including design for additive manufacturing, model-based definition and much more.
What s New in Creo 4.0
PTC has the most robust Internet of Things technology in the world. In 1986 we revolutionized digital 3D design, and in 1998 were first to market with Internet-based PLM. Now our leading IoT and AR platform and field-proven solutions bring together the physical and digital worlds to reinvent the way you create, operate, and service products. With PTC, global manufacturers and an ecosystem of partners and developers can capitalize on the promise of the IoT today and drive the future of innovation.
Product: PTC Creo
Version: 4.0 M130 with Help Center
Supported Architectures: x64http://www.ptc.com
Language: multilanguage *
System Requirements: PC **
Supported Operating Systems: **Depending on the Creo application, the user interface and documentation are translated to varying degrees into French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, and Traditional Chinese. In Creo 4.0 M020 and later, the user interface is also translated into Brazilian Portuguese. The translation of documentation into Brazilian Portuguese is available in Creo and later. A detailed list of translated materials is available in the
