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Jul 14 2017

CircuitCAM Pro 7.5.0 Build 2500


CircuitCAM Pro 7.5.0 Build 2500 + Patch | 24.8 MB


CircuitCAM is a Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) system for Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) and other related technologies from DCT Co.,Ltd in Tianjin, China and LKSoft. It is supporting technologies for both prototyping and line production. CircuitCAM in its new version 7.0 is now available for everyone. It provides a totally new, universal and customizable way of NC toolpath generation and it is no longer bound to customers of a particular German machine manufacturer.

The supported manufacturing processes are:
inspection of layout data including design rule checks
panelization and creation of galvanic frames
data preparation for photo-plotter
conventional milling and drilling (contour routing), including optimization of tool-paths
insulation milling for prototyping
Laser cutting, drilling, and structuring, including Laser beam correction and optical scanners
SMT stencil and SMT pad optimizations
package and footprint recognition with library
generic geometric data engine for all kinds of custom requests.

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