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Dec 01 2022

BETA-CAE Systems v23.0.2 (x64)

BETA-CAE Systems v23.0.2 (x64)


BETA-CAE Systems v23.0.2 (x64) | 2.23 GB | Language: English

BETA CAE Systems announces the release of the v23.0.2 of its software suite. Always aiming in providing you with first-in-class features and robust processes, we announce the second bug-fix release of v23.x.x series.

v23.0.2 is addressed to those that would like to delve deeper into v23.x.x potential, including a range of upgrades and performance improvements.
BETA CAE Systems 23.0.2 release notes – Date: November 21, 2022

Known issues resolved in ANSA
JT Translators
– Attributes’ Key text and all related information from JT files would be missing from the Parts Comment field.
– Apart from that, the output process of JT files, unreasonably taking excessive time, has been accelerated from approx. 800s to 30s.
Data Management
– Considerable performance improvement has been achieved for all operations involving the reading of information from file-based DMs. Saving a Simulation Model or a Simulation Run in DM, retrieving the “where-used” references of a Subsystem in the DM Browser, or simply navigating through the “DM” and “Details” bottom tabs in the Model Browser, are now considerably faster, particularly with big DMs.
– This accelerated performance varies from ∼1.5 to 4.5 times for usual actions in DM browser and Model Browser, ∼2 to 13 times for usual DM operations, up to even 100 times for getting DM references of LS-DYNA Subsystem.
– Unexpected termination could occur during the input of files with MODULES and “frozen” ANSA comment.
– In addition, automatic conversion of Pyramid Elements (CPYRA) to Tetras (CTETRA) on output would lead to unexpected termination, whenever recognized FE perimeters were affected.
– A considerable speed-up of ∼20% has been achieved during the output of models with large number of BOUNDARY entities.
– Focusing on Safety and, specifically, Dummy [Articulation], LSTC dummies with lumbar operations on “Contact” mode would unintendedly cease functioning before process completion.
– Abnormal termination would occur while opening the edit card of a contact, after a body of the contact’s container was deleted.
– The optimization process is now terminated if there is no valid result passed to the optimizer.
Known issues resolved in EPILYSIS
– Data recovery when DISPLACEMENT on SET was requested would lead to unexpected termination.
Known issues resolved in META
– META could come to abnormal closure when High Quality Fringe was enabled for QUAD8 elements with missing middle nodes.
– When reading large .pch files of size ∼13Gb, some data could be Descriptionted as zeros.
– Node Ids under *NODE keyword would be wrongly aligned when LS-DYNA .key file was output from META.
– It was not possible to read Scalar results in a local coordinate system.
Known issues resolved in KOMVOS
Process Management
– Focusing on the Application Settings of the Process Design, command line option with Name left blank would not be accepted, although valid for several applications.
– Furthermore, the deletion of a connection line would not trigger the modification of the workflow.

The engineers atBETA CAE Systemssee simulation as a tool that can be used to predict the future. The Swiss company seeks to offer tools for every stage of the product development process, and its vision is to stop trade-off thinking. Instead of working under the constraints of quality, time and cost, the company hopes that customers using its tools early enough in the process will be able to win in all three areas.
Working through a full development cycle can require different tools for different phases.ANSAis the preprocessor tool that accepts CATIA V4, CATIA V5, NX, Pro/ENGINEER and Jupiter Tessellation (JT) files. TheEPILYSISsolver performs structured analysis in both linear and nonlinear paths. TheMETApost-processor offers several options for framing and presenting a study, with a focus on graphics and visualization.
The new 23.0.0 of the BETA CAE systems software suite comes with numerous new tools and features, designed to facilitate and expand your simulation processes.
BETA CAE Systems Solutions for Biomechanics
Watch this video and find out how BETA CAE Systems software products will help you streamline your Biomechanics simulations.
BETA is a simulation solutions provider,dedicated to the development of state of the art software systems. For almost 30 years, BETA has been developing tools and delivering services for the front runners of numerous sectors by listening to their needs and taking up even the most demanding challenges.

Compatibility and Supported Platforms
ANSA files saved by all the first and second point releases of a major version are compatible to each other. New major versions can read files saved by previous ones but not vice versa.
META Project files saved from version 23.0.2 are compatible and can be opened by META version 16.0.0 or later.
Support for Mac OS has been discontinued.
Support for 32-bit platforms has been discontinued for all operating systems.

Product:BETA CAE Systems
Supported Architectures:x64
Website Home Page :www.beta-cae.com
Languages Supported:english
System Requirements:Windows *
Size:2.23 Gb



Homepage: https://www.beta-cae.com






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