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Jul 16 2020

NUMECA Fine/Marine v9.1 x64

NUMECA Fine/Marine 9.1 x64 | 1.57 GB


FINE / MarineTM program – the first in the world of CFD calculation software complex high-level, designed for specialized tasks of ship hydrodynamics.

For the meshing of the complex using the automatic generator unstructured hexahedral meshes with explicit permission of the viscous boundary layer HEXPRESSTM.
In FINE / MarineTM RANSE implemented based approach solver ISIS CFD, developed and ECN CNRS (Laboratory fluidmechanics, Computational Fluid Dynamics Division), France.

This approach allows you to:
perform the simulation of flows in areas with complex geometry (using structured and unstructured mesh);
perform automatic adaptation (shredding / desensitization) of the grid in the calculation process based on the results of earlier approximations;
to optimize the geometry of the ship’s hull using evolutionary algorithms;
apply a wide range of models of turbulence (Spalart-Allmaras, (Wilcox / Menter), (E) ASM, Rij, DES);
perform simulations of cavitation;
to solve problems of motion simulation of one or more of rigid or deformable bodies on the free surface of the liquid (the movement of offshore facilities).
CFView – a powerful visualization platform solutions, provides a full range of options for the display of qualitative and quantitative 2D / 3D performance calculations.

Year / Release Date: 2020
Version: 9.1
Developer: Numeca International Inc.
Developer website: http://www.numeca.com
Bit depth: 64bit
Language: English
Crack: present (TeAM SolidSQUAD-SSQ)
System requirements: multiprocessor, multicore PCs with 512MB or more of RAM, 1.36 GB of free space on hard drive for software installation

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