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Mar 17 2021

Jeppesen Cycle DVD 2106 Full World

Jeppesen Cycle DVD 2106 Full World

Jeppesen Cycle DVD 2106 Full World | 3.29 GB | Language: English

The program for planning and calculating the route of the aircraft flight (helicopter) using the Jeppesen air navigation information cards. Allows you to pave and calculate the route for a specific type of aircraft. Consists of three parts. JepPView program – to view the reference material in electronic form, you can also print the necessary airport schemes – all Jeppesen (Maps, Airport Schemes, etc.), FliteStar / Flitemap – program for automatic planning and calculating the flight route, printing the logbook with the calculation Flights, it is also possible to connect GPS and use as a navigator, FliteDeck – GPS navigator for use in the flight (GPS receiver is required).

This message contains only the update package for these utilities and is installed as an update after installing these utilities. Similar update packages are produced every two weeks. To install these listed utilities, browse the forum, they are easy to find.

Extra. Information: Code of Coating – Full Worldwide: 131FP47875

For other coating codes, see below.

Comments on use
The installer will offer you to install Jeppesen CDA Service. This is not required to use JepPView 3 and is probably not required to use JepPView for Windows. Basically, it will cause you problems, so I recommend to cancel this part of the setting when it appears.
After installing the updated data, JEPPView 3 may still complain about outdated data. To solve this problem, go to:
The code:
C: \ ProgramData \ Jeppesen \ FliteDeck3
And copy the whole folder "Enroutedata" in:
The code:
C: \ ProgramData \ Jeppesen \ JeppView3
Overwrite when requesting.
When entering the coating codes sequences from the Light Input list below, you will notice that the setup does not display new coating zones after a while. This is normal because the installation program will actually set all areas for which you entered the codes even if they are not displayed in the window.

The code:

Release Date: 2021
Version: 2106.
Developer: jeppesen.
Interface language: English
Tabletka: Not required
System Requirements: Windows 7, 8, 10
Coverage area: Full Worldwide

Homepage: ww2.jeppesen.com






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