EMWorks HFWorks 2017 SP0.2 | 374.0 mb
ElectroMagneticWorks, Inc. has released an updated (SP0.2) EMWorks HFWorks 2017. This is a major new release of the software that incorporates several new features at the meshing and pre-processing, solving and post-processing levels.
HFWorks 2017 Release:
– High order elements support ( High Accuracy study option)
– Enhancements to thermal coupling simulation.
. Improved thermal solver (previous versions)
– Enhancements to Parametric Analysis.
. Importing parameters from a file.
. Thermal coupled parametric analysis
– New and faster Multi-core solvers.
– Auto compute dielectric breakdown.
– Added Material frequency dependent feature to S-parameters and Antannas analysis
– Added continue run option for coupled thermal and parametric without losing existing results
– Results probing using an imported mesh file.
Viewing Results
– Viewing partial results during parametric solving
– 3D Description: Animate section vs. position or orientation (move the section plane)
– 3D Description: Animate Iso clip Description vs. iso values
– 3D Description:Transparent model and vector overlay
– 3D Description: Description mesh,Iso line and vectors using single color
– 3D Description: Vector Description on surface, use constant vector size
– 3D Description: Export modes, frequencies or parametric Description results to excel sheet (All modes ,frequencies or all scenarios)
– 3D Description: Ability to create Description in radial or cartesian direction
– 2D Description: Added curve operations like function and expression Descriptionting
– Convert Boundary conditions from one type to another.
– Added new materials option called “Frequency Dependent”
– Enhancements to HFWorks Options and User interface operations
About EMWorks HFWorks. HFWorks is an antenna and electromagnetic simulation software for RF, Microwave, mm-wave, and high frequency and high speed electrical and electronics devices and circuits. HFWorks solves electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic waves, electromagnetic propagation, electromagnetic interference (EMI), electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), and signal integrity (SI) problems for RF/MW frequencies and beyond. It uses state-of-the-art finite element solvers and meshing technologies to compute both fields, antenna, and circuit parameters. Field parameters include near and far electromagnetic fields and waves such as electric field, magnetic field, and electromagnetic energy. Antenna parameters include antenna pattern, antenna gain, antenna directivity, axial ratio, and antenna efficiency. Circuit parameters include scattering parameters, impedance, and VSWR.
About ElectroMagneticWorks, Inc. ElectroMagneticWorks Inc. (EMW) is a electronic design automation (EDA) company. EMW focuses on the development, marketing and support of Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) and Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools based on electromagnetic principles and phenomena. With products covering frequencies ranging from DC to millimeter waves, EMW aims to meet the needs of its clients with the highest quality products.
EMW has a long track record of successful collaboration with SolidWorks Corporation and its analysis division COSMOSM. Today, EMW is the only company offering a complete electromagnetic analysis software suite that is fully embedded in SolidWorks. EMW’s products meet SolidWorks’s highest quality standards and are certified Gold products by SolidWorks.
Product: EMWorks HFWorks
Version: 2017 SP0.2
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :Language: english
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: The same OS for the version of software that you are using.
Software Prerequisites: DS SolidWorks 2011-2018